PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds: Update 12 ist fertig. Neue Karte Miramar ist allerdings noch nicht dabei. Veröffentlichung erfolgt morgen!

Autor des Artikels: Steven Wilcken

Die Mannen von BlueHole haben auf Xbox One das nächste große Update fertig gestellt und liefern damit ein weiteres Mal Fehlerbehebungen und verschiedene Performanceverbesserungen.

PUBG: Update #12 erscheint morgen auf Xbox One

Das mittlerweile zwölfte Update soll am morgigen 11 April auf Xbox One veröffentlicht werden. Allerdings ist das Update nicht zu verwechseln, mit dem zuletzt angekündigten Inhalt’s Update, womit dann auch die neue Karte Miramar auf Xbox One veröffentlicht werden soll.

Update 12 ist ein weiteres Update, dass sich auf Performance und Bugfixes konzentriert. So werden verschiedene Absturzursachen behoben, es wurden Verbesserungen an Fahrzeugen vorgenommen, es wurden Verbesserungen am Voice Chat vorgenommen und vieles mehr.

PUBG: Das Xbox One-Update #12 im Detail

Optimization and Stabilization

  • Partially optimized the vehicle system. The dust effect caused by friction with the ground during driving has especially been optimized, and the vehicle system has been improved in part.
  • Fixed a problem with voice chat that caused some crashes.
  • Grass objects in Erangel have been optimized and will continue to be optimized going forward.


  • Fixed a serious bug that caused vehicles to flip or get airtime for no reason. This includes the three-wheel bike.
  • Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances the character would be upside down or seated in a strange position when moving seats while riding in vehicles.
  • Player will receive more damage in a vehicle collision. The heavier the vehicle, the greater the damage inflicted upon the player. Also, players are now more likely to die or be knocked out when colliding with a vehicle running at high speed.
  • The vehicle passenger will receive more damage when the vehicle crashes into an obstacle like a wall or tree. When crashing into something at high speed on a smaller vehicle, such as a motorcycle, the player will take much more damage.
  • Fixed issue causing the 4x scope to be excessively reflective.


  • Fixed issue causing certain UI layouts not being properly aligned.
  • Fixed issue of buttons bound to the UI(map, inventory etc.) affecting vehicle operation.
  • Fixed issue of equipment icons not shown properly on the HUD.
  • Fixed issue of LT, RT scrolling not working in the inventory when using controller preset B.
  • Fixed issue of excessive acceleration when the stick is tilted more than a certain angle depending on the R stick acceleration setting.
  • Fixed issue of team member indicators incorrectly showing on the plane

Other Bug Fixes

  • Removed collision of discarded magazine on the floor after reloading.
  • Fixed a cosmetic bug that occurred when characters wore certain clothing or shoes.
  • Fixed issue of fonts breaking up in case of certain languages.

Scheduled fixes for identified issues

  • When changing the deadzone settings in the lobby, the options screen needs to be opened once again for the settings to be reflected. This issue will be fixed soon.


  • Added a new free crate (“Western Military Crate”) that can be earned with BP.

Quelle: PUBG (Offiziell)