Halo TMCC – Neuer Matchmaking Patch online

Autor des Artikels: Axe of Dargo

halo-master-chief-collection[1]Nach langer Wartezeit haben 343 Industries nun endlich den lang ersehnten Matchmaking Patch für die Halo The Master Chief Collection online gestellt. Der Patch soll neben dem Matchmakting aber noch die Lobby, bzw. Party Funktionen verbessern und generell dem Spiel mehr Stabilität verleihen.

Folgend die Patch Notes:


  • Made a variety of updates to improve matchmaking performance and success rates
  • Improved matchmaking search times/time to match
  • Improved stability throughout the matchmaking process across all titles


  • Improved party stability

Halo 2

  • Made improvements to multiplayer shot registration
  • Improved campaign stability across a variety of levels
  • Addressed stability issues for matchmaking and custom games
  • Fixed issues around resuming H2A Campaign from “remastered” mode
  • Improved medal display consistency

Halo: CE

  • Fixed issues regarding aim assist which resulted in the reticle being pushed away from an enemy
  • Improved shot registration consistency between host / client in peer-to-peer custom game matches
  • Resolved a variety of UI inconsistencies, including team color randomization, medals, and in-game scoreboard display

Dann hoffen wir mal, dass das Spiel am Samstagabend, so wie es aktuell ausschaut auch funktionieren wird. Habt Ihr sonst Probleme mit der Halo TMCC gehabt?