Minecraft: Neuer Konsolenpatch erschienen

Autor des Artikels: Steven Wilcken


Heute ist ein kleines Update für Minecraft in der Konsolen-Version erschienen. Darin werden einige Fehler behoben. Eine Übersicht geben die Patchnotes:

– More Redstone fixes.
– Increased minecart limit.
– Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
– Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
– Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
– Fixed an issue with village generation.
– Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
– Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
– Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
– Fixed a problem causing clouds to look 2D (PS Vita only)